2017 Rate Increase
Dear Robyn’s Nest Families,
On February 1, 2017, we will be raising tuition by approximately 10% to help cover the increase in our overall expenses due to Initiative 1433 passing.
Initiative 1433 mandates that minimum wage increase by 16%, from $9.47 to $11.00, on January 1, 2017. The mandate also lays out scheduled increases until 2020, so the effects on our industry are far from over.
On December 14th, I attended a meeting held by Child Care Aware of Washington, along with nearly 70 other Center Directors in Spokane. The focus of this meeting was aimed at the effects of Initiative 1433 and ever-increasing licensing requirements on childcare facilities in our state and to formulate an action plan.
According to a survey conducted by Child Care Aware last month, 93% of providers in Washington State reported that they were going to have to significantly increase their rates in 2017 to private pay clients as a direct result of these two issues. Most centers acknowledged that they would be forced to reduce or eliminate their acceptance of state subsidized clients. In addition, a few centers announced that they were also going to have to cut evening and weekend care programs. While others - those who mainly accept state subsidized children - weren't even sure they were going to survive.
Everyone agrees that we are at a major tipping point for parents and providers alike.
If you are feeling as frustrated as we are, please click on the links below and voice your concerns to our local government officials. Let them know your story and how this issue affects you.
Senator Mike J. Padden: http://mikepadden.src.wastateleg.org/contact-me/
Representative Matt Shea: http://houserepublicans.wa.gov/matt-shea/contact/
Representative Bob McCaslin: http://houserepublicans.wa.gov/bob-mccaslin/contact/
For more information about initiative 1433 click here:
As always, Lindsey and I are available to talk with you about this, or any concern you may have, in person, by phone or by email.
Our new 2017 Tuition rates are posted online for your convenience.
Robyn S, Willits