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A Peek at Our Valentine's Week..

We were extra busy this week with surprise inspections and Valentine's parties, but everyone had a lot of fun...and a little extra sugar to keep them going.

Monkeys made love bug Valentine's for their pet "Guinea Pig". They also worked on identifying colors, lacing beads using their fine motor skills, and squishy heart sensory activities.

Lions had a special story time at the Valley Library. While Bears piled on to Ms Kaitlynn to get a better look at the story she was reading them.

Lions also were busy constructing letters out of play-dough and perfecting their fine motor skills threading cheerios onto pipe-cleaners.

We had to tone down our lesson plan for our soon-to-be Kindergarteners who had a little difficulty adjusting to staying awake through nap time. We are hoping that by the end of next week they will be adjusted to their new schedule.

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