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Our School is Cool...

Over the last two weeks we have had the pleasure of sharing our center with representatives from the Washington State Early Achievers program. They spent a half-day observing in each of our classrooms and rated us in nearly 40 areas using the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale. This scale uses very specific criteria to rank each item on a scale of 1-7. Everything from health and safety to classroom materials and curriculum is scored.

At our follow-up meeting they were thrilled to share with us that we were the first center they had ever rated with a 7 (perfect score!) in hand washing! Which we scored in BOTH preschool classrooms! (we haven't gotten Bears score yet). They also were very impressed with our curriculum, teacher interactions and abundance of quality educational classroom materials.

We will be using their findings and suggestions to make improvements over the coming months. So keep an eye out for some subtle (and not so subtle) improvements.

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