New and Familiar Faces...
Over the next few weeks you will probably notice a few new members of our staff along with a few returning staff members here to help us out for the summer.
As most of our Lions parents already know, two of our Lion's teachers recently got married on the first weekend in June.
Ms Jaime and her new husband, Kurt, enjoyed a beautiful wedding day followed by a short honeymoon along the Oregon Coast.
Unfortunately, Ms Jaime has asked to take a short medical leave of absence in July for 2-3 weeks while she heals from surgery. Please pass on your congratulations and best wishes for her on a speedy recovery.
Luckily for us, Ms Cristina has agreed to fill-in for her during this time. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Ms Cristina, she was co-lead teacher in our Lions classroom in 2015-16 and has been sorely missed.
Congratulations are also in order for Ms Tovah. Not only on her new husband, Ross, but also on her new position at the Sacred Heart Children's Hospital. Although we are sad that she will be leaving us later in July, we know that she has been wanting to pursue a career in the medical field for some time. Way to go, Ms Tovah!
Ms Kati will be joining our Lions classroom as her replacement. We are hoping her experience as both a childcare teacher and elementary intern will be a great addition to our center.
Our Campers are very excited to have Ms Kery and Ms Kaylee back for the summer! Thankfully they were both willing to help us out while Ms Kalima is on extended maternity leave - trying to keep that bun in the oven a little longer.
If all goes well, Ms Kalima expects to return in the fall after spending some quality time at home with her new baby girl, Kyra.
Our last goodbye it to Ms Liz in our Monkey's Classroom. It has been so much fun having her around for the last year. We wish her only the best as she transitions into her life as "mom" to her baby girl in the fall. We can't wait to meet her!
Ms Sarah has been shadowing Liz for the last week and will be joining the Monkey's classroom full-time after the 4th of July holiday. Welcome Ms Sarah!
Lastly, we have also hired a new morning person to help out with administrative duties during the summer. So if you see an unfamiliar face behind the front desk while checking in, it's probably Ms Kiara. She's going to be Ms Lindsey's assistant during the busy morning hours.
We know that change is hard and we ask that you bare with us while all our new and returning staff gets acclimated to their new positions. As always if you have ANY concerns regarding your child's care please do not hesitate to speak with or email Ms Lindsey. Your children's happiness and safety are always our top priority.